Thursday, April 2, 2020

Writing Social Issues to Write About

Writing Social Issues to Write AboutIf you want to write a story that deals with social issues, you have probably seen it before. Whether it's a story about love, a story about children, or a story about the underprivileged or anything else that you can think of, you can see one more person goes through the exact same experience that you are going through now. Sometimes these stories are humorous and sometimes they are tragic, but the overall message is still the same.There is a difference between what we expect in our favorite movies and what we expect in our favorite novels. We expect different things from books as well. Movies are very different from books, but the majority of the difference really is all in the story telling. In a way, you need a different ability when writing for a movie than you do for a book.A good example of this is the civil rights movement. People were becoming more aware of what was going on around them, and it was beginning to affect their lives. So what happened next was the movie Gone With the Wind.Gone With the Wind was written by a white lady, but it did a very good job of portraying the issues in the civil rights movement. It also got the actors right, so that they weren't afraid to speak out and show how strong they were for those who could not fight back. They used their acting talents to help them get to the point where they could actually change the world.Another great example of a movie that dealt with social issues is Bambi. The story is very similar to Gone With the Wind, except that Bambi is black and his mother was killed. Even though the boys' father is a very bad example of a father, Bambi manages to have the same kind of impact on the other characters. His mother was a great example of a mother who never put her sons on the back burner, and this made the story even more powerful.As you may be able to tell, the difference between the book and the movie is that you really can have more impact when you write the book. Writers are forced to do this because there is no movie industry. Even though there are people who still think that there should be, there really is no way that anyone can get a movie made unless they are willing to try and do it their own way.All you have to do is find a great example of how something affects a group of people. You can use this information to write a great story about an issue that has been going on for years, and you can give it a kind of power that you might not be able to do if you wrote it like a book.

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